Team Leaders, I’m hoping all your interviews have gone well and that it was a positive experience for the team members.

Annual STEM Advocacy Day goes Virtual

Please join Minnesota DFL Senators Jim Carlson (Eagan) and Melisa Franzen (Edina) for the 5th annual STEM Advocacy Day at the Capitol – the Virtual Edition to advocate for STEM education funding. The webcast is Friday, April 9th, at 11:30am – 1:00pm.  This is a chance to thank our STEM Champions at the State Capitol for their support for FIRST Robotics Competition and FIRST programs, and to express our support for expanding STEM opportunities throughout Minnesota. Join via this Facebook Live link:

Senators Franzen and Carlson will answer questions from the public about STEM Education and STEM Funding from the online chat during the Facebook Livestream.   A press release for the event with a link to a proposed robotics team funding bill can be found here:

The bill from which FUM received money for the Competitive Robotics Hubs grants in 2019 has also been introduced for reauthorization.  The previous bill paid for 5 AndyMark competition fields. The bill can be found here:

Upper Midwest Regional Awards webcast

The Upper Midwest Regional awards webcast will be held on Thursday, May 13th, 7:00pm CDT.  The event will broadcast on one of the FIRST Twitch TV channels.   For those who can’t access Twitch, we are working on a YouTube stream.  Details on the specific channel and length of the show will come out as the date gets closer.

Regards, Mark Lawrence
Chairman, MN FIRST Regional Planning Committee