Team Leaders,

Registration numbers

The current number of MN teams registered for this season is 90.  Grant deadlines are rapidly approaching so please, if you are going to participate, register and apply for the grants.

FIRST Equity and Access Grant

The application deadline for these grants is November 6 at 5 PM EST.  Any 2021 Registered FIRST Robotics Competition team that wants to make a positive impact both in and out of our community by increasing participation of female or underrepresented populations in STEM is eligible to apply. Preference will be given to projects that are presenting FIRST programs.  Grant awards will be $1000 – $5000.

Application information is available here: and you can click on the following link to apply for the Equity and Access Grant:

There are also some locally funded grants available.  We hope that FUM FRC teams will apply for an Equity and Access Grant.  Please contact the FUM Diversity and Inclusion committee if you would like any assistance with an application (

Team Grants from FIRST

The application deadline for these grants is November 16th.  If you are looking for help paying for the season, pay close attention to the following link.  Every team in the US is eligible $450 from NASA – just apply (about a two-minute process).  There is also a $1000 grant if you did not get a chance to compete last season. There is money for rookies, too.  If you know a school that is considering joining the program, this is the year to do it – $3000 entry fee (vs. $6000), no pressure to build a competitive robot, and lots of veteran teams with time to help.

Fund raising toolkit

Mentors – next Meetup

The next FUM Mentor Meet Up will be Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 PM.  Please go to this Google Doc for the Zoom information and to add topics of interest that you would like to discuss –

For the November meeting, we are particularly looking for focused topics where we can split up into breakout rooms for small group discussions.

FUM Open Board Positions

Are you interested or do you know someone who would be a great candidate for a position on the board for FIRST in the Upper Midwest? We are looking for candidates to participate on the board to oversee FUM activities and create and implement plans to achieve our vision to help FIRST FRC teams be more successful.
Candidates who represent FIRST alumni, and gender, geographic or racial diversity are especially encouraged to apply.
Go to this link to apply by Noon on Sunday, November 15th :

JUMPSTART – Nov 14th

Last Saturday’s JUMPSTART was well attended and very educational.  Videos of the sessions will be posted soon.  The next JUMPSTART training day is Nov 14th.  Details and signup can be found at:

NCWIT – Aspirations in Computing award

This is a last call for Applications for the Aspirations in Computing Award.  There have been several winners from Minnesota FRC and FTC teams.  Due date is November 5th.

This brief video from the National Center for Women and Information Technology features their peers encouraging them to apply and Go For IT!

Minnesota Aspirations in Computing (MNAiC) has tons of school, business, and organization partners who are dedicated to support any, and all young women to realize their technology passion, while solving community problems, and turning them into opportunities.

To learn more, and to apply:

Anyone with questions, or support needs, please contact:

Russell Fraenkel
Director of IT Career Pathways and Partnerships
Minnesota State IT Center of Excellence
651.253.9438 (mobile)

Regards, Mark Lawrence
Chairman, MN FIRST Regional Planning Committee