Team Leaders, lots of topics in this email. Make sure all your different team members are aware of the info.
Important update regarding Upper Midwest Region Awards
There is a lot of confusion about what constitutes the Upper Midwest Region and how we are presenting winners and finalists for all of the INFINITE RECHARGE At HOME Challenges and competitions. This season, FIRST listed only teams that had applied for Chairman’s Award, Dean’s List, and/or Woodie Flowers Finalist Award as a combined region event. All teams that submitted for judged interviews and skills challenges are listed within those online challenge elements. Please be assured that, no matter where an FRC Team in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota submitted for competitions, all will be included in the Upper Midwest Awards Showcase on Thursday, May 13, 7 PM via Twitch!
MSHSL State Championship update
Updated preliminary results have been posted ( ). With FIRST still evaluating results and reviewing videos, our originally posted timeline has been updated. We now expect to announce the final list of teams on April 25, with a deadline for team responses of May 2. The submission deadline for those participating will still be May 22, with the Awards Show on May 29 as originally planned. We strongly encourage all teams that may qualify to begin preparing for the special Minnesota Challenges: The Snow Removal Challenge and the Snow Thrower Challenge!
FIRST Upper Midwest Mentor Meet-up
Mark your calendars, the next edition of the FUM Mentor Meet-up is Thursday, May 6, 7 PM. For more information and the Zoom link see this page ( )
Diversity & Inclusion Grants
The FIRST in Upper Midwest Board of Directors is pleased to announce the first round of FEI FI FO FUM grants are now made to encourage teams to initiate small-scale diversity efforts. Please read all about these grants – – and get inspired! Want to learn more? Contact Yoji Shimizu,
Pending State of MN Legislation to Fund Robotics
The legislation that allowed FUM to award 5 FRC practice fields to groups around Minnesota is being put forward for reauthorization during the current session of the legislature. Also, there is a new bill to support robotics teams directly. The text of the bills can be found under SF 866 ( ) and HF 2191 ( ). The best way to help get the bills passed is to contact your senators and representatives directly. They love to hear directly from their constituents. If you dont know your MN State voting district, you can find it here by entering your address ( ). Templates for both email and phone contact along with links for addressing your state legislators can be found at this link ( ).
Open Position on the FUM Board
Are you interested or do you know someone who would be a great candidate for a position on the board for FIRST in the Upper Midwest (FUM)? FUM is led by a dedicated corps of volunteers with over a century of combined experience starting and supporting teams, mentoring students, and organizing and conducting robotics competitions. We are looking for candidates to participate on the board to oversee FUM activities and create and implement plans to achieve our vision to help FIRST FRC teams be more successful. Candidates who represent teams outside of the metro area are especially encouraged to apply. Go to this link to apply by Noon on Sunday, May 23:
Teaching opportunity
This request is coming via the MN Regional Control System Advisor network. David Orser is a mentor with the Farmington Rogue Robotics, Team 2987, but in real life is an assistant professor at the U of MN CSE.
“I’m kickstarting a new course at the U of MN through the College in the Schools initiative (CIS) for high-school students. It is called EE1301 – Introduction to Computing Systems. EE1301 is an introductory programming course (C/C++) with a focus on engineering concepts and project development. Here’s an example student project ( ) and a course one-pager ( ). I am looking for high-school teachers that might be interested in partnering to teach this college-credit course in AY21/22 or AY22/23.”
If you are interested, you can email David directly at
Regards, Mark Lawrence
Chairman, MN FIRST Regional Planning Committee