Team Leaders, a few items.

Entry deadline extension

Hopefully, most of you got your submissions in without issue.  For those of you who encountered problems, the deadline has been extended.  As a result of processing issues, FIRST is extending the deadline for items originally due on March 4, 2021 at 3 p.m. Eastern by 24 hours to March 5, 2021 at 3 p.m. Eastern Time.

Chairman’s Award Presentation practice

Back by popular demand! Teams, here’s your chance to practice your Chairman’s Award presentation and/or practice the Q&A portion of the interview at the next edition of the FUM Chairman’s Chat Roundtable, which will be Thursday, March 11 at 7:00 PM. We will host this session using Microsoft TEAMS, the interview platform used by FIRST for the interviews. We will also offer breakout rooms for teams that would like personalized feedback. Further information and the Microsoft Teams link is at

Sharing Infinite Recharge at Home Skills Competition spaces

Does your team have a FIRST Robotics Competition Infinite Recharge at Home Skills Competition Challenge Space?  Are you willing to share it with other teams?  Sign up to share your space at

Regards, Mark Lawrence
Chairman, MN FIRST Regional Planning Committee