Team Leaders, here are couple of summer items.

Team 7530 in need of assistance!

Team 7530 is trying to get teams to join them at the summer festival event in Watertown MN called Rails to Trails.  The event is on Saturday, July 20  and goes from 4-6 PM with load in starting at 2:30 PM. The idea is to teach people about FIRST and the robots from 4-4:45 PM or so. Then start playing the game from about 5-6:00 PM.

They still need 3-4 more teams and/or robots if possible. They built a simplified version of one half of the arena field. There will be 2 robots on the field at once and have the general public play the game on a team of 2. They will keep track of the points that each pair of people get during the 2:45 min time limit and keep a leaderboard. Playing will go on for an hour or so.  For additional information, please contact:

Jeremy Bosquez
WMHS Science Teacher

Off-season event software update

FTAs were chatting and they would like to see teams update Limelights to a minimum of 2019.6 for offseason events.  This is the update that has the FMS state resiliency changes in it and will avoid some of the field delays that were seen during the regular season.

Have a great summer.

Regards, Mark Lawrence
Chairman, MN FIRST Regional Planning Committee