Team Leaders, here’s an additional training opportunity aimed specifically at the girls on your team.

The Robettes, Team 2177, invites young women on other FRC teams to come to a workshop at our build space at Visitation High School during which they will develop and deepen skills used on FRC technical sub-teams. Our goal is to enhance the experience of young women in robotics by providing an encouraging environment for girls to hone their skills.
We invite girls to experience any aspect of a robotics team: mechanical, electrical, or programming, as well as a communications seminar courtesy of our team members. Each sub-team will run a seminar introducing their role in the building of a robot, as well as instruct a session demonstrating that role. Applicants will choose one track in which they would like to improve their skill.
We ask that applicants wear a team-affiliated shirt to the workshop. The first 30 applicants will be accepted and new participants will be given priority.

Who:    All girls on FRC Teams, especially rookies!
When:   9:00-3:00 Saturday, November 3rd, 2018
Where:  Robettes Build Space at Visitation School
What:   Free workshop for girls to build skills and build confidence!

See this page for signup details ( )


Regards, Mark Lawrence
Chairman, MN FIRST Regional Planning Committe